Sunday, July 24, 2011


Here I am at 20 weeks! I didn't think that I was getting that big until I looked at this picture...
I feel the baby move everyday now. Yesterday I was playing guitar and singing and he moved up to the front of the left side of my belly, so everything was lopsided. I figured he either really liked it and was trying to hear a little better...or he hated it and was pushing his little bum out at me in hopes of escaping haha. I love him already!

We got to see pictures of our little baby boy last Wednesday! We are both so excited! I can't repeat it enough. Rod was sitting in the chair looking up at the monitor and started yelling, "I see it, I see it!" (He was referring to our little man's manliness).
Our baby was so stubborn. He faced my back the entire time which made it difficult to see his little face. It was amazing to see his little heart beat.. You could see all four chambers, which I though was pretty amazing.
These two pictures are of his arms and the bottom picture is off his feet. He kept crossing his legs. He was pretty squished because I am still fairly small so they put me on the "gallon challenge". I have to drink a gallon of water a day! Which actually, has not been that bad. Plus I am motivated to give our son a little more room.

These are he manly parts. Hehe.

Here is his face. Like I said it is not much. Not only would he not turn around, even though the technician kept prodding him with the ultrasound paddle, he put his little fists right up by his face!

Here is our baby's spine. He is at a 3/4 view which makes it kind of interesting to look at.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Kanaarville Hike

Rod found out about this hike and we threw our stuff together and we went! I love 3 day weekends!
The hike was out in Kanaarville, which is outside of Zions. I was a little nervous because I was not sure if my body could take it.
The first part of the hike is a dry dusty road but the majority of it was gorgeous and a nice break from the 105 degree weather, because it is in the water.

Had to take a "belly" picture. This is me at 17 weeks! I have a feeling the next 3-6 weeks our baby is going start really growing...
A lot of the hike we were ankle deep in refreshingly cool water! Please excuse my ugly, white leg.

Rod didn't want me to carry the camera around, which is a good thing, considering my coordination. I did get one of him. I hope he will forgive me that it is blurry.
Isn't he cute?

The canyon was so beautiful!

This is where I almost wanted to die. The log is not very tall, but it was so scary! Rod had to help me up and I thoroughly tested his patience.
The falls! This was a great little getaway. We need to do this more often. This was a great hike, especially to escape St. George's summer, but more importantly to spend time together that is not just the drive to and from work!
Next post should be pictures of our baby! We are so excited to find out if it is a boy or girl!