Thursday, August 19, 2010

Those floors I despise...almost complete

This is what our house looked like at 1:30 in the morning when we finished up the floor Monday night.Yes FHE was spent doing this. We got all the rest of the glue up off the floor to stain it.
The next morning we laid the stain down. It smells like dying Easter eggs. Those little tablets get dropped in the water and they fizz up and stain the tips of your fingers. This stuff bubbled up and stained EVERYTHING and it smelled just like that times 50.

Then you seal it! And completion! Now our house reeks of toxic fumes...I preferred the Easter eggs. But the floor is beautiful.


  1. I can't wait to see your floor in person. I bet they are gorgeous!

  2. Hey Justine. Your house looks awesome. You guys are very ambitious. Good luck with it all.

